Enviromentální smutek a možné řešení problémů

Problémy Všechny environmentální problémy úzce souvisí. Jeden způsobuje druhý, druhý způsobuje první a třetí a tak dále. Jde o jakýsi velmi začarovaný kruh, který nás rychleji a rychleji posílá ke zkáze. Každým rokem kvulí naší činnosti vyhubíme desetitisíce druhů živých organismů. Postupně ničíme jednou dokonalé, ale nyní křehké ekosystémy, jako domino, padající dál a dál až jednoho dne zjistíme, že už ani pro nás nic nezbylo. V tomto článku se pokusím popsat ty největší problémy, s tím že vždy zkusím navrhnout nějaké možné řešení....

June 12, 2021 · 12 min · Me

Do you feel old yet?

Oh yeah I do, and I am only 15! I don’t want to age just now. what is wrong with me I am scared of getting old My grandpa gave me lessons about how should I not hurry with life. He told me how he and his friends always wanted to move to the next step - get the ID, become adult, graduate, find a job, move out, build a house....

April 1, 2021 · 2 min · Me

Making a top down car racer in Godot

Introducing variables This section is work in progress Rotating the direction vector Option 1: Calculating it from an angle Option 2: Maybe faster Needs to be normalized perpendicular vector work in progress Full code Car.gd extends KinematicBody2D const max_speed_forward = 40000 const max_speed_backwards = 15000 const accel = 0.5 const deaccel = 0.4 const deaccel_break = 0.7 var current_direction = Vector2(0, -1) var rotation_speed = 5 var current_speed = 0 var current_turn = 0 func perpendicular_vector(vec: Vector2): return Vector2(vec....

March 31, 2021 · 2 min · Me

Teaching zoomers how to code

The problems A lot of kids (12-13yo) start to attend my lessons because they think they want to do programming but then they come and start minecraft instead of focusing just a little bit. It’s hard to tear them away from it because I am not the type of person that would force them to do something. Getting their focus It’s hard to make kids focus to anything. They want to do fun stuff, and coding basics in Python may not seem just as fun as Minecraft to the average kid....

March 30, 2021 · 5 min · Me

"this week i'll make a site that'll go viral on czech internet"

The idea So approximately three weeks ago some people started sending tons of small donates to our governing partys transparent account. And they always write a funny/hate message in the payment details. See, elections in Czechia are approaching. They’ll start in a half of a year from now. And some poeple are very pissed of the current goverment. It’s not just the corrupt prime minister. Now it’s also the fact that we are “best in covid” and many lives have been lost because of it....

March 29, 2021 · 6 min · Me